#RNCinCLE Wrapup & #DemsInPhilly
Week Ahead

After catching up on a bit of sleep after an intense week in Cleveland at the 2016 GOP Convention, the Got Your 6 team is heading to the Democratic convention in Philadelphia to close out the convention season. With that in mind check out my week in review from #RNCinCLE and what I expect to see with the #DemsInPhilly.
At Got Your 6 we know that veterans are leaders, problem solvers, and team builders. In short, we are civic assets and that fact was on display in Cleveland. I spoke with hundreds of people last week and met veterans from all generations and services who were in Cleveland as delegates, elected officials, police officers, and protesters. It was a reminder that the veteran community is as diverse as they nation we have served.
During a campaign that has become increasingly divisive and at times hateful, those of us who have served in uniform should remind ourselves that we have something very powerful in common: our military service. As we transition out of uniform many of us have continued service as elected officials, volunteers, and leaders working hard to elect public servants at every level of government.
As the Got Your 6 team continues our work to promote veterans as civic assets while talking about the issues that matter most to our community it’s critical that we do so in a way that honors the service and sacrifice of our entire nation. Sadly, while we were in Cleveland last week, a top adviser to the Trump campaign on veterans issues came under Secret Service investigation for comments calling for Sec. Hillary Clinton to be executed for treason. For a veteran to come out and say that a political opponent should be put to death damages the campaign, our community, and the entire country. It’s ridiculous, and it goes against all military values and what we believe.
On a positive note, we are encouraged that both Vice Presidential nominees have sons in the military — both serving in the United States Marine Corps. As most know, the motto of the US Marine Corps is Semper Fidelis, which means “always faithful.” Given both tickets’ personal connections to our military we expect that each campaign will always be faithful to recognizing and empowering veterans as leaders, problem solvers, and civic assets.

As our team arrives in Philadelphia for the Democratic Convention, Sec. Clinton is addressing the VFW during its annual convention. We trust that her remarks will help set the stage for this week’s convention, which we hope will highlight veterans and military issues just they were in Cleveland.
Got Your 6 will continue with our #VetInspired campaign to unite veterans, the military community, and the American public as we elect a new Commander in Chief. We will continue to work hard to empower veterans as civic assets, promote the issues that matter most to our community, and encourage veterans and civilians to vote in this historical election.
Looking forward to an exciting week ahead!
Bill Rausch is an Iraq War veteran and executive director of Got Your 6.
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