20 vets group urge Trump to keep McDonald at VA: Twenty veterans organizations urged President-elect Trump on Wednesday to keep on Veterans Affairs Secretary Bob McDonald in the next administration. The groups sent a letter that voiced support for those who have proven their commitment and qualifications to getting it right and asked that McDonald be able to stay in his role after leading the largest transformation in the department's history. As you make your selection for VA secretary, then, we advocate for an approach that recognizes and builds upon current progress, the letter says. Given the challenges we face, we cannot afford to start over. The letter was organized and led by Got Your 6 executive director Bill Rausch. The groups supporting it include AMVETS, the Institute for Veterans and Military Families, the National Military Family Association, the Service Women's Action Network, the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors and Wounded Warrior Project.
Donald Trump has ideas to fix the VA. Some have been tried before. “It sounds like to me Donald Trump needs Bob McDonald to run his Department of Veterans Affairs,” said Bill Rausch, executive director of Got Your 6, a nonprofit veteran advocate group. Full Article by Travis Tritten below. ILLUSTRATION BY BEV SCHILLING/STARS AND STRIPES By Travis J. Tritten Stars and Stripes Published: August 15, 2016 Donald Trump’s 10-point plan to fix the VA 1: Appoint new VA secretary. 2: Use “every lawful authority” to remove and discipline VA employees and managers who breach public trust. 3: Ask Congress to pass bill giving VA secretary full authority to remove anyone who risks the health or wellbeing of veterans. 4: Appoint commission to investigate VA wrongdoing and present the results to Congress as the basis for reforming the entire VA system. 5: Make sure honest and dedicated VA employees have their jobs protected. 6: 24-hour White House hotline for VA com...
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